Tag Archives: Dylan’s Candy Bar

Bryant Park – A Very Happening Holiday Hangout!

23 Dec

If you have some last minute holiday shopping to do, or if you want to get in some FREE ice skating, or if you want to check out the short lived Pop-Up Dylan’s Candy Bar store – head to the Bryant Park area of Midtown – 42nd Street and 6th Avenue.

Dylan’s Candy Bar Pop-Up store is there only through the first week of January 2012.

Inside there’s a life sized Gingerbread House that needs to be seen by all!

The front:

The back:

One side:

If you ate this whole house, here are your Nutrition Facts:

Maybe you’d best share this house with a friend or two!

This picture is for my Dad – he’s always said that he wants to put up their Christmas tree one year with the short branches on the bottom and the long branches on the top.

Dad, looks like you and Dylan Lauren think the same way! Here’s what your tree would look like:

When you’re done here, head east across 6th Avenue into the park, to catch up on your shopping. I *thought* I was all finished until I saw these wonderful soaps (Hubby, shut your eyes!):

While you’re here, you can ice skate for FREE through February 26, 2012.

A few people liked this idea!

And while you’re out and about, you might just run into Santa!

Happy Christmas, everyone! It’s almost here!

